Avocado and feta spread

I was hungry, desperate and in a rush so I needed something quick and tasty. I love avocados and feta so it was a no brainer. It was so delicious that even my husband ate it and he's allergic to all things healthy - mainly vegetables. That's why I won't hesitate to recommend this quick and easy recipe to you. Believe, it can lift a boring sandwich to a whole new level!

  • 1 avocado
  • half a packet of feta cheese (or as much as you want - just add a bit and if it's not enough, add some more)
  • black pepper
  • oregano
1. Mix it all together until smooth (or lumpy if that's what you prefer), add oregano and season with pepper et voila! Feta is quite salty so you probably won't need any extra salt.



  1. Takie proste zestawienia lubię najbardziej. Póki co mogę tylko pomarzyć ale awokado i feta marzą mi się od jakiegoś czasu ;)

    1. Ja kiedys zmieszalam awokado z wedzona makrela i to tez bylo super. Poza tym awokado jest zdrowe i ja go czesto uzywam zamiast masla :)
